


In our current society, technology is heavily embedded in every aspect of life. This is why, at Holy Trinity C of E Primary Academy, we pride ourselves on giving our children a deep, solid foundation for their learning. Through the study of Computing and experiencing a rich and balanced curriculum, the children will learn skills that will help equip them for the rest of their lives.

At the core of our Computing curriculum is Computer Science, in which pupils are exposed to a wide range of technology. This includes: laptops, BeeBots, interactive whiteboards, computers and Ipads. As we believe that Computing is not just a stand-alone subject: we embed Computing across the curriculum. Whether this is through the use of stopwatches in Geography, Data loggers in Science or visualizers in Art, the children are constantly exposed to technology.

Online Safety

Our vision for Online Safety at Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy 

As a school, we are keen to promote the safe use of technology both in and out of school.  We feel that modelling safe technology use and talking about safe behaviours online is fundamental in ensuring that your child has the best possible chance of being safe online and reporting concerns appropriately if they do occur.   By working between home and school, we feel that children have the best possible chances of safely navigating the digital world.

How do we teach Online Safety?

The digital world is constantly changing but there are key skills and behaviours that have been taught for generations that remain prevalent in helping children understand and remain safe when accessing and communicating online. Online Safety is taught in two ways at Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy:

  • We teach an embedded and progressive approach through the modelling of behaviours, encouraging children to be curious, challenging online behaviours of others and learning how to interact with others in different situations on and offline.  It is through the relationships we have with the children that we are able to support and advise on anything happening in ‘real time’.
  • Additionally we use the Project Evolve resources to ensure that we have addressed all areas appropriate for a child’s age and development.

Each year your child will build upon their knowledge of 8 different strands within their Online Safety learning, using Project Evolve:

  1. Self-Image and Identity;
  2. Online Relationships;
  3. Online Reputation;
  4. Online Bullying;
  5. Managing Online Information;
  6. Health Well-Being and Lifestyle;
  7. Privacy and Security;
  8. Copyright and Ownership.

For more information about Online Safety, please contact our  Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Kenyon.


Understanding social networking sites and how to keep your children safe. Common sense media

Great advice to help keep your children safe online Think U Know

Safety information for the whole family Microsoft Protect


Report any illegal content on the internet Internet Watch


Keep up to date with any e-safety issues ChildNet
Safety information for parents Safer Internet
Information on gaming safely with resources for parents and children Get Game Smart
Understand and share the world of social networking websites with your children. Make it Secure








Our Primary source of teaching is the Teach Computing curriculum. Teach Computing has been created by National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) and is funded by the Department for Education. It has been built around an innovative progression framework and was created by subject experts, using the latest pedagogical research and teacher feedback. By the end of the year, all year groups will have covered all three areas of the computing curriculum.

As well as our discreet Computing lessons, each Key Stage has access to a full class set of Chromebooks that are used across the curriculum.


Our Computing curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes
  • Children can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation;
  • Children can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems;
  • Children can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems;
  • Children are responsible, competent, confident and creative use users of information and communication technology.
  • Pupil discussions about their learning.

Computing Policy 2022-2023

Computing-22-23-School-Overview (2)