

Holy Trinity C of E Primary Academy History Curriculum

At Holy Trinity C of E Primary Academy, we ensure our children are inspired to learn about the past by thinking and acting like historians through an exciting and, high quality and fully inclusive History Curriculum. Throughout our History lessons we provide children with opportunities to investigate and interpret our past in Britain and the wider world, as well as to learn how to communicate historically.
To aid children in becoming historians, we at Holy Trinity enable children to:
● Investigate and interpret our past in Britain, including how it has influenced and how it has been influenced by the wider world.
● Understand significant aspects of the history of the wider world, such as ancient civilisations and empires.
● Changes in living memory and beyond living memory.
● Learn about the lives of significant people of the past.
● Understand the methods of historical enquiry.
● Develop the ability and confidence in asking and answering questions.
Through the above points, we at Holy Trinity want our children to think critically, show respect and develop a curiosity for our history.
To ensure high standards in the teaching of History, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. History is taught as part of a termly unit, following the National Curriculum, however History frequently makes cross-curricular links. Children will be provided with key words relevant to their historical unit, with them being able to explain their meaning by the end of the specific unit. The local community will be used as frequently as possible, to ensure children can make real-life links as well as gain an understanding of past events. Children will develop researching and enquiry through the use of books and ICT, and be provided with opportunities to showcase their learning through methods including role-play, storytelling, newspaper reporting and poetry.
At Holy Trinity we want our children to be well equipped with historical skills and knowledge for life after our school in the wider world. We want children to enjoy learning about History, encouraging their enthusiasm to learn and develop their own knowledge in and out of school. We will measure progress through the national outcomes at the end of each unit, this will be supported through book monitoring and discussions with children. At the end of each lesson, children will be encouraged to complete a cheeky challenge, where they are provided with an additional question or activity which enables them to demonstrate their learning independently. Children will be provided with the opportunity to answer questions throughout lessons, as well as time to talk to talking partners in order to gain peer on peer advise and share ideas and knowledge.

History Overview September 2023

History Policy