At Holy Trinity C of E Academy, we aim to develop pupils who will be physically active and can flourish in a range of different physical activities.




Long Term Plans


Physical Education Curriculum Overview 2023-24 EYFS-Y2

Physical Education Curriculum Overview 2023-24 Y3-Y6



Early Years- Key Stage 1 PE Curriculum Overview


PE at Holy Trinity 


Year 5/6 Netball tournament

Mr. Kenyon had a wonderful time taking our Year 5/6 Netball team to a tournament at Oswestry School. The team played brilliantly, showing excellent defence and shooting skills (despite playing with adult sized hoops!) finishing in 3rd place!

Year 5/6 Baskteball tournament

We had a great start to our Spring term, attending a basketball tournament at the Marches. We compete against 7 other school and got through to the semi finals, coming 4th overall! The children played with real perseverance and teamwork – well done! ✨


Year 5/6 kwik cricket tournament

it was fantastic to see the year 5 and 6 enjoying their selves at kwik cricket! They came 4th in the tournament and their efforts were noted! They had a brilliant day out and received some wristbands off the cricket club  as a reward for their efforts. Well done 👍

Year 3/4 Girls football

The girls had a brilliant time at our tournament, winning 2 out of their 4 matches! We were so impressed by their team spirit and 3 goals. It was amazing to see their perseverance and determination on the pitch. Well done ladies! 👏


Year 3/4 football tournament!

This term we were lucky enough to go to the year 3/4 football tournament at the marches. The children worked really hard and we’re commended for their efforts by neighbouring schools. We were so proud of how they represented our schools and their teamwork. Well done ⚽️

Last week some of our year 5/6 children competed in the tag rugby tournament at Oswestry rugby club. Despite the cold, they played their hearts out and displayed a positive attitude all day. We came third in our league and had invitations to join the club too. Well done guys 🏉

Year 5/6 Girls Football Tournament

We had a brilliant start to the year with the Year 5/6 girls football tournament. The girls had a fantastic attitude and played their hearts out. Even with some rainy weather, they persevered and really pulled together as a team to support each other. They can 3rd in their tournament group and 5th overall. Well done girls!



KS2 Sports Day July 2023

EYFS and KS1 Sports Day July 2023

Year 3 School Games County Engagement Event
Year 3 School Games County Engagement Event at the Shrewsbury
Sports Village on Friday 2nd December 2022. The event was a non-competitive afternoon and consisted of a range of multi-sport activities for pupils to be involved in all lead by young leaders from Shrewsbury and North Shropshire.

– Friday 2nd December 2022 – 12.30-14.30


PE at Holy Trinity During Autumn Term 1 

This term all children across the school have enjoyed participating in their first PE units of the the new academic year.

All year groups have been completing ‘multi skills’ units of work. Within their PE sessions they have been developing their balance, coordination, agility, speed and strength skills.

Years 3-6 have also been completing ‘Tag Rugby’ units of work. They have had great fun, learning the rules and expectations required for a game of Tag Rugby. Within their lessons, they have been practising the difficult skill of throwing the ball backwards and intercepting play.

Year 6 in Haughmond, started their swimming lessons this term. They have impressed Mrs Platt and Miss Richards with the courage and resilience they have demonstrated in the pool, as swimming can be a very tricky sport. Mrs Platt has commented, that she is particuarly impressed with the progress they have already made in such a short space of time. Haughmond still have another five swimming sessions after the half term break.

Just a polite reminder, that all children should have their PE kits in school- everyday of the week. As although they have set PE days, these can change sometimes due to the weather or other school commitments.

Correct school PE kit should be worn please, this consists of navy shorts or navy tracksuit bottoms and navy t-shirt with the school logo and a pair of trainers.


Miss Scoltock

PE Lead – 20th October 2022



PE at Holy Trinity During the Spring Term  

This term years 1-6 have been focusing on their physical and mental wellbeing , with mindfulness stretching.


Within this unit four areas of PE are covered: Physical me, Social me, Thinking me and Healthy me.


Y3/4 Dodge Ball Tournament 

On Wednesday 15th February 2023, children in Y3 and Y4 went to The Marches to participate in a Dodgeball tournament, with local schools. The team did very well, coming back with a 4th place certificate. However, the real achievement was the lovely comments the team received from opposing schools about their excellent sportsmanship.
Well done team! It’s great to hear how sporting and graceful you were in winning and defeat.

Year 5/6 Football Tournament 28th March 2023 

On Tuesday, eight boys from Year 5 and 6 travelled to Oswestry Boys school to participate in a local tournament. The boys played brilliantly in some very tough weather conditions. Overall, they came fourth in their group and played very well.

Year 5/6 Dodgeball Tournament 29th March 2023

On Wednesday, boys and girls from Year 5 and 6 went to The Marches to participate in an Upper Key Stage 2 Dodgeball tournament. Miss Roberts said that the children displayed some excellent dodging, ducking, catching and throwing skills. Unfortunately, they didn’t make it through to the finals, but they played well and finished third in their group.