
Key Principals of Science at Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy & Nursery

  • Children’s curiosity is encouraged and valued; they are having fun and are excited by the activities provided.
  • Science is relevant to the world around them and children enjoy learning through exploration of big questions.
  • Progression of knowledge and the five enquiry skills are taught and are evident throughout all key stages.
  • Key vocabulary is taught and used accurately and confidently in all lessons.
  • To challenge the children and to regularly visit their sticky knowledge from previous learning.

To organise trips and visits from experts who will enhance the learning experience, as well as to provide science learning weeks to excite and encourage the children to engage more

Intent for Science at Holy Trinity

Science at Holy Trinity aims to teach all of our children the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to question and understand concepts and phenomena that occur in the world around them and equips them with the excitement and motivation to seek explanations for these.

Children at Holy Trinity, learn the skills required for scientific enquiry. These are clearly displayed in each classroom and are highlighted in weekly learning objectives. With these skills, they will begin to appreciate the way science will affect their future on a personal, national and global level.

Through each topic, prior knowledge will be revisited and will be built upon to increase their enthusiasm, whilst embedding “sticky knowledge” into their long term memory.

As well as developing the range of skills, they will be encouraged to question the world around them and become independent learners in exploring possible answers for scientific questions. Through these questions, children at Holy Trinity are expected to answer using scientific vocabulary and to question and communicate ideas, building on their scientific capital.


At Holy Trinity, we foster a positive attitude to science as an interesting and exciting part of the curriculum.

  • To challenge the children to regularly visit their sticky knowledge from previous learning.
  • To provide opportunities for the children to question and develop their learning further.
  • To organise trips and visits from experts who will enhance the learning experience, as well as to provide science learning weeks to excite and encourage the children to engage more.
  • To ensure procedures for planning and assessment enable a broad and balanced curriculum that has continuity and progression and addresses equal opportunities for all.
  • To raise science standards by promoting a high standard of excellence and consistency of approach.
  • After school Science Club to promote further learning of science
  • Home learning to develop science capital


Our Science Curriculum at Holy Trinity is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression from Nursery to Year 6

The children are encouraged to complete all units of work and self-assess, as well as being teacher assessed against the National Curriculum Standards.

We also measure the impact of the curriculum through:

  • Regular monitoring of books to check consistency across the school in approach to science teaching.
  • Celebration of learning
  • Sticky knowledge
  • Pupil discussions about their learning using scientific vocabulary.
  • CPD was given to staff to develop progression of skills and further knowledge of the curriculum.
  • All children showing the good and outstanding progression of science skills throughout the school


New Science-curriculum-map-Years-3-6-1HT-all-years-with-Early-years-and-Nursey-updated in September 2023

Science Policy 23