Remembrance week

Lawley have joined the whole school for Remembrance week, with our class theme being Animals in War.  We have looked at the difference animals that helped during World War 1 and their roles.  During English we have looked at a range of war time poems as well as different types of poetry, before coming together and writing a whole class poem called Pigeons in War.  All children contributed their ideas, and at the end of the week they performed the poem with actions.

We have been busy creating poppies for a class and whole school display, children made red poppies for remembering those who have served in war and purple poppies for remembering the animals who helped in war.  Children also designed war time pictures using coloured pastels, choosing one of the animals we have been learning about to draw.

In Maths children have been recalling number bonds to 10 and learning subtraction, using a range of equipment to support their understanding of subtracting one number.

We start our Pirate topic next week, this is a reminder that children are invited to come to school on Monday dressed as a pirate.  Please do not purchase new clothes, children can use their imagination as stated in my letter. I look forward to our stunning starter on Monday.

Enjoy your weekend, Mrs Thompstone.