Welcome back!

Miss Richards and I would like to welcome Stiperstones back for the Spring Term. Stiperstones have settled back into the school routine well and have been working very hard. All children enjoyed their last swimming lesson this afternoon, all of them have made great progress over the 6 week block of lessons; it has been a delight to watch them all flourish in the water.

This term is very important, especially for the Y6’s, whose SATs are getting ever closer.

I would just like to re-enforce my expectations for this term: all children should be reading at least 4-5 times a week and be documenting their reading in their reading records, also bringing their reading books and records into school each day.  Homework will be set on a Monday, homework will include: weekly spellings, maths or English work. A week is given to complete homework, I expect all children to hand their homework in the following Monday. PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday, all children are expected to have a full PE kit in school (shorts, t-shirt, trainers).

I am looking forward to having another fantastic term with Stiperstones.

Miss Scoltock