Lawley’s week

Following our stunning starter of making porridge at the beginning of term, this week children have been writing their own instructions.  The children have remembered each stage and have been using bossy verbs confidently.  In Maths, children have been developing their subtraction skills, we have used equipment, number lines and part whole models.

Our focus in Topic has been History, this week we looked at famous children’s authors, looking at the books they have written, David Walliams was a particular favourite.  We have also started our new Science unit, Everyday Materials.  This week we handled and explored different materials and learnt the names.

We have had a special visitor in Lawley this week – Attendence Ted.  He has helped the children with reading, PE and during carpet time.  During Golden Time on Friday, children demonstrated fantastic team work and sharing.  Some children decided to build giant castles, the bigger the better!