Lawley’s Week

Our final week in Lawley was jam packed as usual. In topic, we focused on design technology and children made their own fairy tale picture with a movable character.  In English children wrote their final set of instructions on how to build a straw, stick or brick house for the a Three Little Pigs, with the main focus being on using all features of instructions, full stops and capital letters.  In Maths, we continued looking at numbers to 50, comparing two numbers, two amounts of objects and recapping on one more and one less.  In Science, children looked at a range of everyday objects and tested if they were waterproof and if they were transparent.  We completed the week with gymnastics for PE, where children explored a range of apparatus using the different movements we have focussed on over the last half term, even Attendence Ted joined in!

Mrs Morgan and I hope you have had a restful and enjoyable half term, and are looking forward to welcoming the children back on Monday.