Our week in Lawley

Welcome back to everyone for the second half our of Spring term.  We were joined this week by a Chester University PGCE student, Miss Clarke, who has been extremely helpful in class.  Thank you to the children for being so welcoming and thank you to Miss Clarke for all her help.

In English we have started looking at newspaper reports in preparation of writing our own in a few weeks time.  In Maths we have finished off our Place Value to 50 topic by looking at counting in twos, fives and tens.  In Science children were given different objects and had to put them into the correct material hoop, then decide if the object was translucent, opaque or not translucent.

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our half term project and made a crown.  Mr Dickson has visited Lawley and seen the children’s fantastic efforts.  Well done, they all look brilliant!