Our week in Lawley!

This week in Lawley the children have been busy learning about capacity in Maths, by looking at different bottles, using the terms full, empty, nearly full and nearly empty, as well as measuring capacity using cups.  In English, we have looked at a Jack and a The Beanstal, with children demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of what had been read to them. This finished with the children acting out the story in groups, which they all completed extremely well and confidently.  In Science, we have planned an investigation to find the most waterproof material for an umbrella to keep Lawley Bear dry, the children thought hard whilst making their predictions.

Thank you to everyone who attended parents evening on Tuesday, it was lovely giving you all an update on your child and the progress being made.  Remember, if you could not attend this please do let me know and we can arrange an appointment after school.

Congratulations to Jessica for participating in a biking course last weekend.  She had her photograph in the Advertiser, which linked in brilliantly with our newspaper report topic in English! Also, a huge well done and thank you to everyone in Lawley for fantastic attendance last week, resulting in us having Attendance Ted!

Remember it is our class trip to Whittington Castle on Monday.  Children must come in their school uniform and bring a packed lunch, unless a school packed lunch had previously been requested.  We are all very excited for this trip.