Lawley’s Week

We have had a busy week in Lawley with everyone working hard.  In Maths children have been learning about arrays, using cereal to set out arrays, as well as counting in twos and learning what double a number is. In English we have been focusing on adjectives and children have been describing parts of our story, The Queen’s Orang-Utah, using e citing adjectives.  In PSHE we have discussed good to be me, looking at what we like about ourselves and what we feel we are good at.  This gave everyone a huge confidence boost!  In Science we looked at typical weather in spring and are ready to start observing the weather daily from Monday, let’s hope the rain clears up! In PE children have been practising the skill of balancing a ball on a bat and moving the ball around using the bat with control.  Whilst in gymnastics today we set up the climbing equipment, children grew in confidence with climbing higher, and they were praising each others efforts.

Well done to the children who have been reading at home, it’s lovely to read the comments.  Also, a reminder that our weekly spelling test is on a Friday.