Lawley’s week

A warm week has meant Lawley have spent as much time learning outside as possible.  In Maths we have been looking at doubles, grouping objects equally and counting in fives.  In English we have been writing our own narratives based on The Queen’s Orang-Utan, with children using exciting adjectives.  In Topic the children have been introduced to our new unit of Best of Britsih, and children have designed their own flag and thought of questions to ask the  Queen.  In Science we went on a spring walk around the school grounds looking for signs of spring and summer, this was very enjoyable!  Children have also been observing the weather using our weather station.  They have recorded the weather, temperature, rain fall and wind direction daily.

Letters went out this week for our class trip to Rhyl on Tuesday 25th June.  Please can permission slips and payment be sent as soon as possible.  If you have any questions, please do come and see me.