Blast Off into Space!

We have had a very exciting half term learning all about space! In maths we have been learning about doubles and putting the correct amount of eyes on aliens! We explored planets and stars using the dark tent.


We used play dough and loose parts to design and create our own aliens!

It was tricky using tweezers to put out tiny glowing stars to make our night time pictures.

We also used our interactive board to design aliens!

In Maths, we used cubes and rulers to measure different sized rockets. We identified the biggest, smallest and middle sized rockets.

We became scientists and explored what would happen when we dropped food colouring and washing up liquid into milk. The colours all mixed and created beautiful space like pictures!

Our Christian value this half term has been wisdom. We learned that astronauts have to be wise and follow rules. They must rely on each other to be wise too. We relied on each other and completed an obstacle course tied to each other dressed up as astronauts.


After listening to the story ‘Tea Time in Space’ we read and followed instructions to create our own space recipe! The Zumple Space Crackles we made were very yummy!

We learned all about planet Earth and used clay and water to create our own land and water in the tough spot. We put the animals in the correct places.

Our Rocket Role play area has been great fun!