Our week in Lawley!

Our final week in Lawley this term saw the children complete an independent narrative.  This was based on the Queen’s Orangutan again, but the children created all sorts of different animals and problems.  Everyone used adjectives, with some using very exciting ones, such as marvellous and spectacular!  In Maths children have been learning about fractions, with our focus being on halves and quarters.  The children were particularly excited when I used cakes to demonstrate!  In PSHE we looked at the importance of looking after ourselves, including eating well, personal hygiene, brushing our teeth, and sleeping well.  Children then chose the good foods to make a healthy lunchbox.  In Science we looked at the expected weather in Summer as well as completing our weather observations. The majority of children’s predictions were correct, with us observing sun, rain and cloud.  In PE we have focused on ball control with children bouncing the ball up with their racket and keeping in control. Whilst in gymnastics children have been looking at different ways to roll as well as moving around the equipment. In Topic we looked at the different countries of the United Kingdom, with children locating them on a map.  In Phonics children passed our phonics balls around in their group and had to sound out and read the word that faced them.

As well as spellings, children have gone home with phonics homework.  In preparation for our Phonics Screening Check, children have a copy of real and alien words to practise sounding out and blending for 5 minutes a day.  As the letter states, there are no new sounds, the children have been working so hard and this homework is just to allow them to show you their skills and keep refreshed.

Mrs Morgan and I hope you all have an enjoyable half term and look forward to seeing you all on Monday 3rd June.