Lawley’s week

We had another great week in Lawley, starting off with an enjoyable British tea party for our Inspire Afternoon (see previous post). In English we have written our final recount based on our trip to Rhyl, where children worked hard making sure they included different sentence openers, adjectives and all the information.  In Maths we started our final unit on time, with children learning the days of the week, months of the year and looking at before and after. In Science we looked at the sunflower seeds we planted and put into different environments at the beginning of term.  The children’s predictions were correct, the seed with light, water and soil grew the best.  In PSHE children children worked with a partner to role play a person that helps us.  The rest of the class then had to guess the role they were acting out.  In PE we have been practising for sports day, making sure everyone is confident and ready.  On Thursday we had move up day, everyone had a great morning with all the children excited to tell me all about their morning.