Our first week in Lawley!

What a fantastic first week we have had in Lawley, everyone has settled in very well.  We have spent the week getting to know each other and learning our routines. Children have discussed their summer holidays and used their imagination to create their dream summer holiday.  Everyone has also demonstrated their number skills by filling in a number square.

Everyone has now been given a new reading diary and book.  Please ensure your child reads at home and please do sign or comment in their diary as children receive certificates for reaching certain milestones.

On Monday we are holding our stunning starter for our topic, Walk the Plank!  A letter has gone home asking for children to come dressed as pirates.  Please do not buy anything new, be as creative as possible. We will be creating pirate hats and eye patches in class.

Children are expected to have their PE kit in school for the whole of the half term, in case we have an opportunity to participate in extra PE lessons.  Everything will be sent home ready for the half term holidays.

We are looking forward to the year ahead and the exciting journey your children will be taking in our year 1 and 2 class.  If you have any questions, please do let us know.

Thank you,

Mrs Thompstone and Mrs Morgan