Lawley’s Week!

We’ve had a fun, busy week in Lawley, starting off with our topics stunning starter where the children came in dressed up as pirates.  We all enjoyed making hats and eye patches, learning our pirate name and listening to our book, Portside Pirates.

In English we have been focussing on adjectives, using them to describe pirate pictures.  In Maths we have been looking at place value, with children counting forwards and backwards, sorting and counting groups, as well as representing numbers.  In Science we have started our topic of Animals including humans, with children sorting animals into groups such as mammals and reptiles.  In RE we discussed what a creator is and looked at a picture of a field trying to decide who created each part.

Spellings have been handed out today ready for our test on Friday. Everyone has the same spellings this week in order to allow us to prepare for different groupings.  Thank you to everyone who has written in their child’s reading diaries, this is such an important aid alongside school and it is important for every child to be reading at home.