Superheroes and Villains!

We’ve been very busy in Earl’s Hill! We’ve been working hard learning all about Superheroes and Villains. We’ve been creating our very own Superhero story complete with a baddie! We began our journey by role-playing in class. We’ve each created our own identity. Lazer Lewis was our Super Villain and she painted Oswestry black! We had to stop her! We had a blast making our Superhero crafts! We learnt all about Batman’s gadget, Spider man’s web shooters, Ben 10’s watch and Captain America’s shield. We decided that it was vital that we made our own gadgets with special powers to complete our outfits!

We have even been being Superheroes in our PE lessons

Being a superhero, means being strong and courageous. It also means having a confidence in who you are.

As well as all of the very important Superhero business, we have also been learning how to programme!

It’s been a crazy few weeks in Earl’s Hill but we are having a great time! Please make sure you are reading with your children every day and Year One’s are practising their spellings! Keep up the hard work!