What we have been up to in Clee Class…..

Its been a busy few weeks in Clee. The children are really enjoying all the activities and work linked to our Superhero topic.

In Knowledge and Understanding of the World we explored the concepts of hot and cold environments. We build hot and cold hideouts for our superheroes.


In Maths, we explored the concept of more and less by making and pouring healthy fruit smoothies, using the sports candy (fruit) that the superhero Sportacus enjoys eating.

We took part in the school Macmillan cake sale, helping to raise money for the charity by making, selling and buying cakes. We heard that the money raised will help the doctors and nurses (who we think are like superheroes) to look after poorly people.


We have been working on the story ‘Supertato, Evil Pea Rules’ in Literacy. We sequenced pictures from the beginning, middle and end of the story and talked about or wrote what was happening in each of the pictures. Some of us used playdough and Mr Potato Head parts to build our own Supertato!




In art we used potatoes cut to different shapes to print pictures.


In RE we heard that the Bible has stories about Jesus performing miracles. We heard the story of Jesus calming the storm. We acted out this story with boats, water sprays, torches and tambourines to create the storm. Some of us made playdough boats and put in Jesus and his disciples, and some of us created a storm in the water tray and tried to get the boats to safety.
