Lawley’s Week!

This week in Lawley we have moved onto Pirates Love Underpants in English, with children enjoying creating their own pirate and setting, using adjectives to describe them. In Maths we have been comparing numbers and objects, using the greater than, less than and equals to symbols. In Science we discussed and researched animal habitats and in music we used the instruments to keep the pulse to our song, Hey You!  In Topic we mixed a range of paint colours to produce the sky and the ocean in preparation for making moving pirate ship pictures.  In RE we discussed generousity and how we should be grateful for God’s produce, so we tasted different fruits talking about them in detail.  Today we have completed our school sponsored run, the children tried extremely hard and did very well.

On Monday we have our marvellous middle, which is our trip to the library for a pirate storytelling session.  Please can all children come to school with a raincoat.