Lawley’s Week and stunning starter!

Welcome back to our second Autumn term.  We are now on our next topic, Toy Story, where we started with our stunning starter, watching Toy Story 1 the film.  We set the classroom up as a cinema and enjoyed an interval with popcorn, crisps and drinks.  The children wrote a review after, sharing their favourite part of the film, their favourite character and providing reasons why.  We all had a wonderful afternoon, thank you to all parents and careers for returning permission slips back so promptly.

In maths we have been focusing on number bonds to ten and twenty, and comparing them, with children recalling these impressively quickly.  In English we have been creating and labelling our own toys, writing about what they look like using adjectives, and writing about what our toys get up to when we’re not there.  The children have come up with some brilliant ideas, they were all enjoyable to read. We are focusing on sentence structure, ensuring all our sentences make sense and include all features, as well using our phonics, the key is quality not quantity.  In Science our new topic is Seasons, with our focus this week on the different seasons.  In RE we looked at what the signs are for Christmas, we went on a short walk around the playground, observed Christmas adverts and looked at a range of Christmas cards.  We were looking for signs of Jesus and/or his birth.  In our inside PE lesson we have started Dance when we are following a dance return based on The Snail and The Whale.  Finally in PSHE we looked at Black History, where we looked at influential reggae artists including Bob Marley.  We observed a selection of their songs, and played instruments to Bob Marley songs.

Just a reminder that children are expected to read at home daily, and reading books and diaries must be sent to school daily.  Thank you and we hope you all had an enjoyable half term.