Lawley’s Week!

This week we have joined in with the rest of KS1 and EYFS with celebrating Nursery Rhyme and Poetry Week.  In English we have focussed on poetry, looking at and reviewing a range of poems, discussing rhyming words and creating a whole class poem based on Toy Story. This was celebrated on Friday in the hall where we all came together and shared our poems and nursery rhymes.  In Maths we have been focusing on subtraction, the children have been using number lines and have been working hard developing their skills. In RE we looked at a range of church windows, searching for signs of Jesus’ birth, the children the designed their own window pictures.  In PSHE we discussed the Invictus Games and the importance and reasons behind these games, with the children then designing their own kits.  In Science we all took part in an observational walk around the school grounds looking for the signs of autumn, the children had a tick list and enjoyed discussing their findings.  In topic we looked at victorian toys, discussing the similarities and differences to our toys now.

Letters went home in the week regarding a special workshop organised for Lawley.  Shrewsbury museums will be coming into class on Wednesday 27th November go, holding a workshop based on toys. We will all get chance to explore and play with a range of toys, as well as learn some interesting facts, all linking in with our topic this half term.  There is a charge of £4.00 per child as stated in the letter, this needs to be sent to school by Tuesday.  If you have any questions, please do let me know.  This is an exciting opportunity for us all and will be a lot of fun.