Lawley’s week

This week in English we have been looking at the features of a recount and different sentence openers ready to write our own recounts about the Memory Picnic next week.   In maths we have been looking at pictograms and block diagrams and learning how to interpret the data show.  In topic we have started planning to make a memory box, children decided on the best material and designed the outside, we also made a class list of the items we’d like to include inside.  We also looked at the history of Picasso and have all created a portrait based on cubism using oil pastels.  In science we have taken a deeper look at materials and a range of different objects around the classroom, deciding what material or materials they are made from.  In PSHE we looked at Mother a Teresa and her charity work, as well as looking at homelessness, deciding what items we need to live and what are luxury items.  In ICT we used our understanding of pictograms to design one on the computer, Lawley are becoming more confident on the computers every week.  In PE we looked at different ways of curling up small as moving around the hall big and wide as well as long and thin.  In RE we looked at the story of Moses and Exodus, with the children using role play to demonstrate their understanding.

Please remember every child needs a shoe box in school on Monday so we can start creating our memory boxes.