Will you Tell me a Story?

Clee had a very busy last half term exploring traditional tales through the topic, ‘Will you tell me a Story?’.

In EAD we designed and built new chairs for Baby Bear, after Goldilocks broke his by sitting on it.


In KUW we followed instructions to make porridge.


We huffed and puffed like the big bad wolf to create ‘blow paintings’ It was hard work!

We explored which objects could be blown by the big bad wolf, and which objects we could blow using straws.


We heard the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Our role play area was turned into the giants castle! In the castle we had a harp, a hen with golden eggs and lots of treasure. A beanstalk was growing up to the castle. We helped to make leaves for the beanstalk by leaf rubbing and leaf printing.

The giant had huge feet! In maths, we ordered giant footprints according to length and then measured our own footprints in the sand.


In literacy we worked on a large scale. We sequenced pictures from the ‘Gingerbread Man’ story and then wrote captions under each picture to say what was happening.

We became scientists and carried out an experiement with gingerbread men. We predicted what we thought would happen to each gingerbread man if we put it into different liquids. We then tested to check our preditions. We discovered the best liquid to fall into is oil, as the gingerbread man did not dissolve at all in this.



For the Fantastic Finish to the topic we dressed up as story characters for the day. We invited parents in for an inspire session to share traditional stories. Mr Dickson then read us his favourite story, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Thanks to all parents and carers who attended the inspire session.