Lawley’s Week!

Lawley have had a busy start to our new half term.  We have started our new topic of Bright Light Big City by looking at The Great Fire of London.  We travelled back in time for our stunning starter, to 1666 and in the bakers shop in a Pudding Lane where the great fire started.  We all made bread rolls, with the children enjoying mixing the ingredients, kneading the dough and shaping it into rolls.  I think the children’s favourite part was tasting them, we hope you got to sample them to when they arrived home.  In English we are focusing on newspapers, with the children looking at a range of newspapers and learning exactly what a report is.  In Maths we have been looking at the different 2D and 3D shapes, as well as counting the number of sides and vertices on 2D shapes.  Th3 children particularly enjoyed Friday’s lesson where they used the geo boards to draw 2D shapes.  In Science we carried out research to identify which materials were bendy, waterproof and absorbent, with children developing their knowledge and understanding of the properties of materials. In RE we looked at the signs of Easter, with children sampling pancakes, Easter eggs and hot cross buns, with the main discussion point being are these the most important parts of Easter.  In PSHE we looked at online safety, with children learning how to keep safe online and understanding that they must ask for help when problems arise.

Lawley will be attending Oswestry school on Wednesday for an authors visit, if you have not done so already, please can you return your consent form, there is also a charge of £5.00 setup on Parent pay, this includes transport.  On Thursday we are also visiting Booka, this is a free of charge visit for children to exchange their world book day vouchers for a book.  We also need the consent form for this returning.