Lawley’s week!

The children have been busy working hard this week. In English we have been imagining we are witnessing the Great Fire of London, using our senses and imagination, as well as planning our newspaper reports. In Maths we have completed our shape unit by looking at patterns and have started fractions, looking at halves.  In science we have planned an investigation to find the strongest material, with children making predictions.  In Topic the children tore paper to create a picture of The Great Fire of London followed by learning who Samuel Pepys was and why he was significant.
Well done to everyone today who dressed up for Sports Relief, we took part in Zumba dancing which was such good fun, although tiring!
A note has gone home today requesting cardboard for junk modelling.  We will be creating Pudding Lane on Monday out of junk modelling so would appreciate your cardboard to be sent into Lawley on Monday.