Home Learning

Last week some work was sent home for home learning. This work was sent home as a precaution, just in case of school closure.
For those children who are already off school, please can you start completing the work. The children who are still attending school do not need to start completing the home learning packs yet.

Green books were given out to the Y6’s last week. These books are project books. Across the country it is Science Week. Mrs Platt has set a science activity which can be completed in these books. Other research can be done in these books related to science topics and topic work.
Examples of project books already started are below:

KS2 SATs revision books were sent home with Y6’s yesterday. Pages in these books can be completed at their own pace.
If your child is already off please can you arrange with myself or the office a way of collecting the revision books for the children to complete at home.