Message from Miss Hutson

I will be keeping In touch with Hawkstone class via the school website and will be adding work on a daily or weekly basis. This may come in a range of ways such as:

* Useful websites to use, work to be completed, images of work to share from other children and advice and support on certain strategies in learning.

Please don’t feel you are alone in home educating your child. You can email me any work or questions you have, at I will get back to you as soon as possible as I to will be home educating my own children.

Spend a few days looking over your child’s pack which was sent home last week.  A useful list of websites  are available in your pack but also sent out on parent pay. You will also see they have a number of reading books.

Please don’t feel this all has to be completed in the first week- we have provided enough work to last a number of weeks.


Read over the useful websites and try to log on to any you think maybe of help.

9am PE session online with Joe Wicks- google Joe Wick you tube- daily.

Read for 20 minutes and ask your child to write in their reading record about what they have just read- discuss the books read, talk about the characters and settings- daily.

Log into Mathletics, IDL ( if you have a access), purple mash, accelerated reader to check all codes work and if you have any problems let me know.

While you can, spend time outdoors, go for a walk but remember social distancing – 1-2 meters from other people!

Please keep safe and I am only an email away!

Miss Hutson