Monday and Playdough Recipe

Good Morning Clee Class,

I hope you have all kept safe and well over the weekend. I am attaching some work for the day, it will be saved under Clee Homework. It can be accessed at anytime, not just today. I understand that you may be using the paper copies of the home learning packs for the first few weeks. The work I set each day will stay in the Homework folder for you to access when you and your child are ready to.

All the children in Clee love using the playdough in class. Here is the recipe I use to make ours. I make a new batch each weekend, for both hygiene reasons and because lots of ours ends up being lost on the bottom of shoes, or hidden I around the room over the week! However, a batch will last for quite a few weeks if it is stored in an airtight container or a zip lock bag.



2 cups of water (1 cup is approximately 8oz or 230ml)

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

1 cup of salt

2 tablespoons Cream of Tartar

A few drops of food colouring (optional)

2 cups of plain flour.



Put all the ingredients except the flour into a large saucepan. Heat gently until the mixture is warm. Removed from the heat, stir in the flour. Tip the mixture out wait for it to cool and knead until the mixture becomes dough like.