Monday Maths Work

We have been learning about ‘doubles’ in class. This is a link to a song we use to help us remember them.

doubles song youtube link

If you have dice at home, you could play a game with your child, rolling a dice and working out the double. Perhaps roll a dice and challenge your child to work out the double and then count out that many crayons/counters/ building blocks etc. If you don’t have dice cut up a piece of paper into squares and write numbers or draw dots onto each square and use these (by placing them face down and then turning them over) in place of the dice.

Here are some sheets to support this work. Start with the doubles to 10, and progress to the doubles to 20 if you feel your child is able to. Please don’t expect them to sit and complete all of them in one go!

doubles to 10 sheet

doubles to 20