Lawley’s week

I just wanted to share the many happy times we had together last week.  Despite everything going on around the country and world, we were determined to have fun and keep busy.  We started the week making Pudding Lane out of cardboard boxes, with the children recalling so many of the facts they have learnt about The a Great Fire of London – we were very impressed! Later in topic we learnt about the different countries of the UK, looking at their flag, symbol and capital city.  We then looked at the atlases, which children enjoyed comparing our country to those around the world.  We then made Mother’s Day cards using our fingers to make the petals, sorry to those mums who did not receive a card following self isolation. We had an extended PE session on Friday where we did Zumba, dance, circuit training and a Joe Wicks session, all of which can be accessed at home through YouTube.
If you have any questions or concerns please do email me.  I will be updating our class page daily with home learning ideas.
Keep safe and well.

Mrs Thompstone and Mrs Morgan