Tuesday Home Learning

Hey Team!

To start with a wake up and shake up here’s Joe Wicks PE session. Everyday at 9am he puts a new video up.

Year 1

I have set all the Year 1s a “to do” on Purple Mash. It’s a piece of writing about Spring Lambs. You have to watch the video and write about what you can see. When you’ve finished the writing, you can use the pictures to decorate. If your child is struggling to type, here’s a printable version. Don’t forget to email me a copy!

Spring Lambs

Depending on how confident your child is, you should encourage them to write in full sentences, using finger spaces and a full stop at the end of each sentence.

I have a set each Year 1 a few Mathletics activities that they can complete.


Reception can also complete the Spring Lambs writing sheet. Here is a video that they can use as inspiration! If you can’t print the sheet, just use plain paper and get your child to decorate it!

Try and encourage your child to use their phonics as independently as possible. Don’t worry if their spelling isn’t perfect – as long as it’s phonetically plausible!

For Maths – try rolling two dice and adding the total together! You can use practical resources. We like using food! Try adding two lots of cheerios together. The fun part is that they can eat them if they get the answer right!

As a cheeky challenge, encourage your child to “count on” rather than starting from 1 each time.

Good luck and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

Mrs Taylor