Wednesday 25th Home Learning

Recently we have been looking at Light in Science and with the sunshine outside could you carry out a scientific investigation today.

Why do we have shadows and do they change throughout the day?

You will need:

  1. A window
  2. paper
  3. pencils/pens
  4. objects

In the morning you will place your object infront of the window with the paper flat behind it. Draw around the shadow carefully.

Come back at lunch time and draw around the shadow again. Then, repeat this at 3pm and then 5pm. You can try using a different colour each time!

What have you noticed?

Can you explain to me why we have shadows? Maybe you could draw a diagram to show this?

Remember to keep going on Mathletics and reading every day. Can you also make sure to complete the handwriting and spellings exercises in your home learning pack.

Thankyou and take care,

Mr Hughes