Wednesday’s Home Learning

Hi Lawley,

Thank you to everyone who has sent me work or pictures, it’s been great reading through all your hard work!

Here is today’s Joe Wicks link:

Phonics Home Learning

Today I would like you to revise all of the set 2 sounds on phonics play by having a game of Buried Treasure.  We play this a lot in class so everyone should be confident with what needs to be done.  Phonics play have opened their site up for everyone at home free of charge, please find the link below:

English Home Learning

I would like you to imagine you are Samuel Pepys, writing his diary whilst being in the centre of The Great Fire of London.  I want you to write his diary, remembering to describe what you see, what you smell, what you hear, what you taste and what you might touch.  Use all the skills we have been developing lately, using more than one adjective, using full stops and capital letters, as well as using your phonics when writing a word.  This can either be handwritten or you can complete this on Purple Mash, I have set the template as a To Do on the website for when you log in.

Maths Home Learning

Maths starts today with counting in twos.  Use our YouTube song to refresh your memory, then on a piece of paper count up to 50 in twos, or for a cheeky challenge, count up to 100.

I would like you to play a fractions wall game.  I have set this as a To Do on Purple Mash, when you log on please remember it is only challenge 1 that I would like you to play, this covers halves and quarters.

Topic Home Learning

Based on The Great Fire of London, I would like you to create a piece of artwork.  This may be using pencil crayons, sketching, paints, pastels, anything you have available at home, remember – be creative.


Please remember to continue reading, this will really help with your phonics and your writing.

Thank you Lawley, have a good, safe day.