Thursday and Friday – home learning

I have set you a number of Maths tasks on Purple Mash linked to Time and Mathletics linked to Multiplication and Division – we have covered multiplication and began with division so have a go and see how you get on – if  you need any support please contact me by email below. Please don’t feel you have to do it all  i have covered the whole of multiplication and division with an end date of the 1st April 2020.

If you  can continue to read for 15/20 minutes daily and after each reading session, write a short summary about what you have been reading. Discuss the book with someone and when you feel confident you understand the book, complete an accelerated reading quiz. If you have any books at home-  feel free to see if they are also on accelerated reader.

Please keep up with Joe Wicks PE exercises daily at 9am.  Your next task (which may take you a number of days) is to create your moon buggy. This can be made from any junk modelling you have around the house. It can be any size from lego buggy to box size buggy. If you can refer back to the time machine inspire day and how you all created that, then you may get some extra ideas what to include.

There are plenty of clips on you tube about the construction of a moon buggy. Be as creative as you can and please email me any pictures so we can share with the rest of the class.

A DT sheet was sent home in your home learning pack about the creation of the moon buggy, however if you were unable to collect – see below.

TASK: Create a moon buggy, any size any materials. This has to have wheels – so it can move, (Year 5 gears that we learnt about in science), creative just like the time machines.

English is to continue with Pobble 365 as stated on a previous post look at the image, story starters, RIC style questions etc.

On Monday I will be setting new spellings,  new reading, writing and maths tasks.

Have a lovely weekend and keep safe.