Thursday Home Learning

Good morning, another lovely day in Oswestry!
A huge well done to all of you who are logging on to Mathletics – Scott, Michael and Skyla are in the lead so far… I will award certificates later in the week. As well as Mathletics today I am setting a problem of the day. Maybe you could challenge an adult or sibling to see who can solve the problem first?
Well done to those of you who have continued to write your stories on Purple Mash, they are great. Don’t forget to ‘hand in’ all of your tasks on Purple Mash for me to mark.
At some point today, if you are able, maybe you could go for a walk to look for the signs of spring. I will post a checklist for things you can look out for. You could take photos or do a still life drawing like we have been doing in art.
I can’t wait to see all the fabulous things you do today.
Have a great day 🙂
