Thursday’s Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

Please find our home learning ideas for today:

Joe Wicks:

Phonics Home Learning

Today I would like you to revise all phase 3 sounds on Phonics Play by playing Buried Treasure.

English Home Learning

I would like you to imagine you are Thomas Farriner, it was you who caused The Great Fire of London in your bakery on Pudding Lane.  I would like you to write about how you discovered the fire, your feelings, what you saw and what you did.  Remember to use your phonics and neat handwriting, full stops and capital letters as well as adjectives.

Maths Home Learning

Our number song for today is counting in fives.  Sing the song then I want you to count in fives, writing the numbers down if possible.

Our activity for today is to find 1/2 or 1/4 of the objects.  The worksheet is attached below:


Cheeky Challenge: have a go at challenge 1 of the fractions wall on Purple Mash, this is set as a To Do.

Science Home Learning

With our current sunny weather, I want you to think about building a play den.  Consider all the everyday materials we have been looking at and their properties, what everyday material would be best to make a den?  I want you to draw your design and label the materials and what you need.  Next, I want you to write a sentence describing why you have chosen this everyday material, remembering to include its properties.

Cheeky Challenge: Build your den using items from around the house.  If possible, build your den in the garden, however if you can not do this, do not worry, inside will be fine.  Please check with your grown up first to make sure you can use the everyday materials around your home, as well as where is best to build this.  Get everyone involved, maybe have a snack in your den or read a story.  If you can, send me a photograph.

Music Home Learning

I would like you to sing our song: London’s Burning.  Do you have any instruments around the house to use whilst singing?  If not, ask a grown up if you can have a saucepan and wooden spoon – you will be able to create a drum!

London’s Burning, London’s Burning,

Fetch the engines, fetch the engines,

Fire fire, fire fire,

Pour on water, pour on water.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.