Thursday Maths

Here is the maths work for today. Please sing the doubles song again with your child. Here is the link

If possible print off this grid or draw your own. If you have an empty egg box that held 12 eggs you could use that to make it a bit more interesting!

frame for doubles

This is what it should look like if you need to draw your own.

Play a game where you roll a dice (or turn over a number card to 6 or you say a number to 6.)

Your child puts that many counters/pieces of pasta/building cubes/small balls of playdough/blue tack on the left side of the frame. They then put the same amount on the other side to show the double. They count the total.

So for example if a 3 is rolled, shown or said, they put 3 objects onto the left side of the frame. They then put 3 more objects on the right side of the frame. They then count all the objects to find the total.

Cheeky Challenge!!! Write the number sentences to show the doubles. So, using the example of rolling, showing or saying a 3 as above your child would then write out the number sentence 3+3 = 6. Reinforce this by saying the number sentence verbally and then saying ‘double 3 is 6’.