Friday’s Home Learning

Good morning team,

We are coming to the end of our first week of home learning. I hope everyone has been able to access some of the resources I have uploaded and that you are all staying safe.

On a Friday we would usually have PE, so why don’t you wake up with Joe Wicks and complete his online PE session at 9am.


After you have woken up and warmed up with your PE session, you could have a go a completing todays maths challenge and some of the rapid reasoning challenges.


11am- Rapid_Reasoning_Year 6_Week 4

After your maths, you could enjoy some quiet time in the sunshine reading your book. That could be sitting by a window reading your book, or sitting in the garden.

At 12pm you could enjoy making lunch with Jamie Oliver.


After lunch, you could continue with the baking theme, if you have the ingredients. Currently as a class we are studying the topic ‘A Child’s War’. Linking to WW2. Here is a food technology task- making edible treats out of rationed supplies.

2pm- wartime-recipes (1)

If you participate in Joe Wicks’ PE lesson, complete the maths challenge, read in the sunshine or compete any cooking activities. Please take photos of you doing these activities so I can share your learning the Holy Trinity family.

Have a good day. Let me know how you all get on.