Friday 27th March English Home Learning

Good morning. I hope that you are all able to join in with the online phonics session.

Ask the person who looks after you to test your spellings. You could use the dictation sheet under the spellings tab so that you can practise writing your spellings in full sentences.

We are going to be talking about poetry next week so i would like you to think about your favourite poems and collect any examples that you can. Read them aloud to the people in your house.

I hope that you are reading regularly and are able to listen to some of the stories read by different authors online. You can find more online books here:

When you have finished reading your book or sharing your book with the person who looks after you, I would like you to write a book review. There is a template her which may help:

My Book Review Frame

I will add your next set of spellings under the spelling tab.