Monday’s Home Learning Ideas

Hello Nursery children and families,

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend!

As you will know we have a number, colour and Makaton sign of the week in Nursery. I would like to continue this as part of the children’s learning at home.

For our number this week I have decided to restart at number 1. If we were still in Nursery our number would have been 15 and so if you feel your child is ready to learn number 15 you can complete the following activities replacing number 1 for number 15.

Some number 1 activities for you to try:

Draw the number 1. Does your child recognise the number, can they show you 1 finger, 1 foot, 1 shoe etc? Can they clap, nod their head, jump 1 time? Can they draw number 1? If you have access to an outside area can they draw number 1 and cover it using stones, leaves, twigs? Can they give you 1 car, pencil, block when they are playing? Can they spot number 1 in books, newspapers, on tv? Some more ideas…….Leuk voor op het schoolplein: teken vakken met cijfers, en laat de ...
using natural materials for a math inspired provocation ” #fairydustteaching #reggioinspired #looseparts #preknumbers







Our colour this week is yellow. Help your child collect yellow objects from around your house and garden. Here are some activities you could try:                     

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Our Makaton sign of the week is ‘horse. It’s time to sign ‘horse’

We have been learning to sign and sing ‘Old MacDonald’s Farm’ in Nursery. Maybe your child can remember the signs and join in with the song?

Thank you to those of you who have emailed photographs of the children and their home learning; I’m really enjoying seeing them all. You can contact me via the Nursery email address

Have a lovely day everyone!