Week 2

Good morning and welcome to a new week. I hope you all had a great weekend and managed to stay safe.
Well done to all of you who went on Mathletics last week. Emma, Scott and Lucy were top of the leader board 🙂 And a whopping 20 of you got a certificate. Unfortunately I can’t post individual certificates, can you let me know if you can download them.
For English today I’d like you to go on Purple Mash – English – Grammar and complete some of the activities in there.
I have assigned some Mathletics tasks and attached the problem of the day for you to have a go at.

Don’t forget to have a go at the science competition Mrs Platt set before we closed. More details can be found – https://www.holytrinitycepa.co.uk/category/schoolnews/#post-20370 I’d love as many of you as possible to have a go at this competition 🙂
Have a great day, and keep posting!