Home Learning English Monday 30th March

There are new spellings for this week under the spelling tab along with a dictation sheet. Remember to practise each day, forming all of your letters carefully.

Join in with the daily online Phonics sessions.

Our focus this week is poetry. Here is a poem by Brian Morse:

Cat in The Window

What do you see?

Cloud, wind, birds, a bird in a tree.

The daffodils shivering in the February breeze,

A puddle in the road beginning to freeze.
Snow on the wind

Dusk in a cloud.

Leaves in a frenzy,

The bird’s head cowed.

Winter – though the sun shines.

Blizzard, and the north wind’s whine.


Talk about the poem. What do you like or dislike about it?

Make a list of any words you don’t understand. Look them up in the dictionary and create your own glossary. can you think of words with similar meaning?

Can you learn the poem and say it out loud to someone in your house?

Here is a template to help you:
