Monday Literacy Work

Use this photo to encourage your child to write some sentences. Ask them to start with ‘I can see…..’

The more confident your child is with writing, the more you can ask them to write about the picture. Ask them to add details, such as what colour the dog is and what the dog is wearing. Some children can write three or four sentences. Remind them about their phonics. The children know the ‘oo’ sound they will need to write the word ‘book’. Please remind the children to use finger spaces. Remind them to use a full stop at the end of a sentence. Some may remember to use an exclamation mark if they think the sentence is funny.

Please read a story to your child today. Any story that you have at home that your child will enjoy is fine. It does not have to be a school book. When sharing this book ask the children to help you read some of the words.

Practice the ‘red tricky words’ I have provided you with. Read the phase 2 and 3 ones with your child. If they are confident with these, slowly introduce the phase 4. Encourage the children to write a few of them.

CHEEKY CHALLENGE!!!! Play teachers with your child. Ask them to test your reading of the tricky words. Then you can be the teacher and ask them to read and spell some of the tricky words.