More ideas…..

Write out the alphabet using capital letters on a piece of paper. Ask your child to write the correct lowercase letter next to your letters. For example, next to the B they write b, next to the H they write h and so on.

Play letter I spy. Using a cereal box, page from a magazine or a page from a story book, pick a letter you can see and say “I spy a ‘c’.” Challenge your child to find and point to the ‘c’ on the page or cereal box! Repeat with other letters. (Remember to use letter sound not name, so ‘c’ is said as ‘cuh’ not the letter name ‘see’)


Set up an indoor scavenger hunt. Here are some ideas.

It would be great if today you could either play a board game with your child, or help them to complete a jigsaw. If you do not have either of these, teach them to play noughts and crosses!