Tuesday Technology Free Day!

Good morning,
I’d like today to be a computer free day as much as possible! So for Maths I’d like you to measure the area and perimeter of a room in your house, imagine you need to paint the walls so need to find the perimeter and would like new carpet so need to find the area. First you might need to remind yourself how to measure the area (multiply) and perimeter (add). I know you might think you need a meter stick for this, but you could guesstimate or be creative with your measuring tools….
For literacy, I’d like you to watch a clip about a little bird.


Then I’d like you to write a cold task diary entry for the little bird called Piper. Tomorrow we will look at what makes a good diary entry, Thursday we will edit and improve the cold task and Friday you will do a hot task. I’d love you to take photos of your work to show me, however I am struggling to read them. Or maybe you could ask an older sibling to help you (it will help them too, they might not realise it though!)
This afternoon, if you haven’t done so already, colour or paint a rainbow to go in your window so people can look for them when they are on their daily walks. You could also put a bear in a window so people can go on a bear hunt whilst out walking.

Have a great day 🙂
