Tuesday 31st March Maths Home Learning

I hope you are all practising your times tables each day and completing the times tables ‘2do’ on Purple Mash. To make it a little more interesting you could create your own times table game to play with someone at home. It could be as simple as ‘times table snap’ where you have to match a times table with the correct answer or perhaps make it a bit more challenging and design your own times table board game. Remember every game needs a clear set of instructions so you will need to write step by step instructions for your game. I would love to see photographs of your games.

There is a template for a times table games called ‘Mathsopoly’ below which you could print out or just use for ideas for your own game.

Board 2 x A4 Certificate Challenge and Chance Cards Challenge and Chance Cards Game Board Score Sheet

Well done to those children who completed the ‘Time 2do’ on Purple Mash yesterday. I have attached a telling the time poster for you to use. You could try making your own and putting it on the wall at home. Talk to your family about what you do at different times of the day. Practise counting in 5s together around the clock.



Remember to complete the Time ‘2do’ on Purple Mash.