Friday Maths Work

Warm up by joining in with this song again. Count along and join in with the actions!

Practise counting up to 20. Don’t just start at number 1 though, tell your child any number (or write down a number and show it to them) and that is where they start to count from! We do this in class, and they are really good at it!

Challenge your child to count backwards from 20 to 0. Most can do backwards from 10 easily, from 20 it’s a bit tricky getting through the teen numbers. It might be helpful to show them a number line (printed off from here, shown on a screen or written out yourself) to help them. I did send home a number line a few weeks ago (February half term work) – perhaps you could use that if you still have it?

0-20 number line

Play number puddle jump. Make some puddles on the floor using paper. Write some numbers on the puddles.

Challenge your child to jump into a certain number puddle. You could extend this by asking them to jump on the puddles that work on their doubles knowledge. For example, ask them to jump on the number that is double 2. Or you could ask them to jump on the puddle that is 1 more than 13 or 1 less than 9.

Another way you could extend this is by using numbers your child is not so confident with. If your child needs practise with their teen numbers, only make puddles with those numbers on them. If your child is confident with numbers to 20, make a set of puddles that have the numbers between 20 and 30 on them.

Happy Jumping!