Fantastic Finish- Street Party.

Today would have been the last day of our ‘A Child’s war’ topic and unit of work. To celebrate the end of war and evacuee children returning to their homes. I had planned for Haughmond to have a ‘street party’.

So today’s home learning is to plan and if possible have a street party in your homes.

I have attached a power point to help explain the origin of the VE Day street party. This power point could be a stimulus for you to create a VE Day project in your green project books.

Attached is also a bunting template for you to make bunting to decorate your home for the party and a organiser template to help you plan your party.

Please can you take pictures of your planning, VE Day projects and your party, and send them to me! I want to see all your amazing hard work and fun you are having! 🙂

Enjoy your parties and have a good day.

VE Day Powerpoint

Display Bunting

Planning Sheet