EASTER WEEK – Lets start with a joke… Q. How does the Easter bunny stay in shape? Lots of eggs-ercise! Read below for more jokes…

Q. How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself?
A. With a hare dryer!

Q. What do you call a rabbit who tells jokes?
A. A funny bunny.

Q. What is a rabbit’s favorite dance?
A. The Bunny Hop.

Q. What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?
A. A hot cross bunny.

Okay so my jokes might not be the best but lets have a fun  and creative week. I  have set a number of tasks to be completed over the Easter Holiday and have fun with the activities.

  • Task 1: Easter Joke book –  Create a joke book after with the theme ‘Easter’. We can share the jokes on the Friday  celebration post. If you send them  by Thursday I will  test them on Mrs Rowley  and whichever one makes her laugh the most will be the best joke. Either send me pictures (by email) of your jokes or type them up and email them to me at: Hawkstone@holytrinitycepa.co.uk


  • Task 2: Easter Cross Art –  Have a look at the document or choose one of your own. Choose items from around the house, be creative!   EASTER CROSS ART


  • TASK 3: The Easter Story Power Point – Look at the whole power point then choose a slide, write a diary entry as if you were one of the people from that slide (See title on slide explaining who you are) E.G The people – Palm Sunday. Some slides also have a short video you can watch.   The Easter Story


  • TASK 4: Easter Expert – After looking at the Power point and watching the videos on the slides, you are now an ‘Easter Expert’. You have been given a list of key vocabulary, you need to find the meaning or a definition for each word. The key vocabulary list is also your spelling list.KEY VOCABULARY


  • TASK 5: Holy Week –  Draw an image and write description explaining what Christians believe happened on the days of Holy Week. HOLY WEEK


  • TASK 6: Easter Egg Hamper- If I had £50 to spend on Easter treats and had to fill a hamper for 10 adults and 10 children what could I buy? I would like a selection of eggs and treats. You need to decide what size eggs to buy and how many. Some come with extra treats (like a mug). I would like a variety. Please send me a made up shopping list of what I should buy. Spend as close to the  £50 as you can. eastereggprices



  • TASK 8: Easter Bingo – Be creative and see how many fun activities you can complete.

I rang you all on Friday, thank you to the parents and children who I spoke to, it was lovely to hear how well you are doing and how hard you are working. If I didn’t manage to speak to you, I will try again this week.

There is enough work to last over the Easter Holidays, don’t feel you have to do it all, but have a go at some. I would love to see your work, your creative images and crafts. Please email pictures and work to – hawkstone@holytrinitycepa.co.uk


He is risen phrase on a cross. Colorful flowers background. Studio shot. Flat lay.